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Birth chart Reading


“Inter-time” means the coexistent folded time unbound from past-present-future categories. “Inter” generates this interconnected coexistence.


Having more than two dimensions. Crossing through or existing in multiple dimensions (spacial planes of existence).

Physical | Mental | Emotional | Spiritual Healing

A learned approach to wellness that simultaneously addresses the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual components of health. As a field of practice, this kind of shamanic medicine draws from many disciplines to heal people, communities, and even the environment.

Where did you learn how to do this, and why do you charge for it?

I have worked with healing energy since I was a child too young to know what I was doing. Now, in my 40's, I have learned that is because there are many inter-time and multidimensional aspects of my "self" that have been taught these ways. In this life, I have been honoured to learn/remember through Spirit via dreams, vision questing, ceremony, and teachers both here and those who have long passed. The purest teacher is Spirit (Creator, God, Source), who teaches with no limitations or judgements, but who challenges us to step beyond our Ego and into a deeper awareness. 


I do not believe that I carry or hold my own personal power, but instead that I am an instrument taught to work with multidimensional and spiritual beings who provide support to the healing intentions we make. 


I charge for my services because an intention is required on behalf of my clients to support their own healing. It is like signing a "consent form" for work to be done on you.

For those unable to pay financially for healing, I follow Spirit when accepting alternative "intentions".

Connect with me if you have questions...

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